More Cells. Less Hassle.
Satisfied Surgeon.
Offer your surgeons trusted technology with
the DirectCell® System.
Offer your surgeons trusted technology with the DirectCell® System.
The science-backed solution that provides spin-free live cell
harvesting, plus a premium bioactive synthetic – all in one
advanced system.*
The science-backed solution that provides spin-free live cell harvesting, plus a premium bioactive synthetic – all in one advanced system.
The science-backed solution that provides spin-free live cell harvesting, plus a premium bioactive synthetic – all in one advanced system.

More Cells. In Less Time. With No Spin
Maximize stem cell collection with a closed-tip cell harvester that enables efficient and precise marrow harvesting, while minimizing collection of peripheral blood.
Cells can also be harvested percutaneously via marrow rich autograft dowels.
No centrifuging required.
See how the DirectCell System compares:
Bioactive Graft, Packed to Perform*
TrelCor’s® nanocrystalline HCA surface technology goes to work immediately upon implantation, stimulating cellular healing.1,2

DirectCell Advanced Bone Grafting System.
- Zhang J. et al. J. of Tissue Eng. And Regen. Med. 11: pp 3273-3283 (2017).
- Hayashi K. et al. Materials Today Bio. 4: pp. 1-11 (2019).
- Scarpone J. et al. “Isolation of Clinically Relevant Concentrations of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Without Centrifugation.” Journal of Translational Medicine vol. 17(1), 10 (2019).
- Harrell D. (2016). Novel Technology to Increase Concentrations of Stem and Progenitor Cells in Marrow Aspiration [White paper]. Retrieved from Aspire Medical Innovations:
https://aspire-medical.eu/marrowcellution/harrell-purita-update-white-paper/ - Hedge V. et al. “A Prospective Comparison of 3 Approved Systems for Autologous Bone Marrow Concentration Demonstrated Nonequivalency in Progenitor Cell Number and Concentration.” Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma, vol. 28(10): pp. 591–598 (2014).
- Brown LS. Darmoc MM, Clineff TD Investigation of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Phenotype and Function in an Allograft Cellular Bone Matrix. Stryker Corp. Malvern. PA (2013).
- McLain R, et al. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 87(12):2655-61 (2005).
* Data on file.